Peter Hagner (1772-1850), native of Pennsylvania, known as the was a clerk in the accounting office of the United States War Department, 1793-1817, and third auditor of the United States Treasury, 1817-1849. The collection includes correspondence, chiefly from 1815, related to Hagner's personal life in Washington, D.C., and to his official positions. Official items include correspondence about government accounts, contracts, claims, and appointments. Other papers relate somewhat to personal business and social life but are chiefly family correspondence, including letters concerning the education of a daughter at the school of James Mercer Garnett (1770-1843) of Essex County, Va.; letters from members of the related Nicholson family and Randall family of Annapolis, Md.; and letters from Hagner's children. Papers after 1850 are correspondence of the children, including a United States Army officer and residents of Washington, Annapolis, and Calvert County, Md., among other places. Also included, arranged separately, are the papers of Hagner's granddaughter, Isabella Louisa Hagner (fl. 1901-1940), consisting chiefly of personal letters from the family of president Theodore Roosevelt. Prior to her marriage, Isabella was social secretary to Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt while she was in the White House. watchdog of the Treasury,